Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why do you have to ask so many questions?

... when I give you forgiveness peace, love, courage, home, a future,and patience.

This is one of my favorite layouts that I just did. I have had this picture for awhile but haven't been able to get online. When I looked at the picture I had these thoughts come to me... so I did the layout like it. Hope you enjoy it.


Friday, April 3, 2009

As The Deer....

I was sitting at the house one morning and had all these pictures in front of me. As I sat there, the song "As the deer panteth for the water, so my soul pants after Thee". I decided to do this layout. I still want to add another page to do the rest of the song... but for now we will just think of As the Deer...

Hope you enjoyed the view!


Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Little Brother

Here are a couple pages I did for my family album that I thought I would share. My brother and I are from divorced parents. He went with Dad and I stayed with Mom. Even though we didn't get to spend a lot of time together... we still are close. I love him bunches! Enjoy the pictures!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

More blessings...

Here are a couple pages I just added to my book. I hope you enjoy them. Right now all my pages are from pieces of scraps I have had left over. I got the book that these are in for a dollar from a thrift store here in town. I love these kind of finds! Enjoy!!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Special Wish For You!

Just wanted to wish you and your families a Happy Valentine's Day. May it be a day filled with lots of love and hugs. This picture is not something I did. I found it online and want to do it for a church project. Maybe you would like to try it too!
See you tomorrow with more stuff online.

Monday, February 9, 2009

All About Me!

I was working on this template challenge, when realized that the template said that there was no picture in the top section. Thought I would share this anyways with you. I had lots of fun doing it!

See my picture below.

Hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

More Blessings... My grandparents (Father's Side)

My grandparents were very active in the Salvation Army(SA). They both went while they were in the teen years. As you can see, my grandparents were married for over 50 years, and they were still active in the SA when they were promoted to glory(death). So, you can tell they loved the SA and what it stands for. I am who I am because of their influence on me. I hope you enjoy the pics. As you can see... my grandfather was a real character. He was someone who loved to make you laugh. What a blessing!!

My grandmother was the one who held the family together. She was more calm, cool and collected. (LOL) I have made a special page for her too. The page at the bottom opens up so you can see the journaling and another page. Hope you enjoy them!

My Mom... a special blessing! - 32 Blessing Challenge

This is the picture page with the tags in the pocket. The next picture is the same page with the tags out. They show various stages of her life. For instance, one picture has her with her nursing outfit on. Another is with Grandma, another with her friends, one of her birthday party, and last one of her with her best buddy... her dog. I thought this was different and kinda cute. Hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

52 Blessings - My Second Try...

I think this is my favorite one so far! My second blessing was of my hubby. He loves to do all kinds of things and what better way to show him off, than to share with you the things he loves to do. In the upper right corner is a picture of him out on a boat fishing with his children. They were at Sutton lake. On the lower row, going right to left, he is watering his flower garden, working in the vegetable garden, and the last one he just did a quick pose for me! The upper left corner is what he looks like when we go to church. (sometimes without the beard!)

I was at a scapping weekend at church and got the fishing stuff as a prize. The other things I bought around Walmart or Big Lots. They are my kind of places! LOL Hope you enjoyed this one. I loved doing it..

52 Blessing Challenge - My first entry

I didn't see this challenge until it had already started. The object of it is to do scrap pages of our blessings... 52 of them! In order to play "catch up", I decided to find the closest pictures I could and get them done. Well, my first try was this one.

This is of our boy cats! We have 3. Their names, in order on the picture, are Spooky (because he's a scared-ee cat), Tommy our oldest cat, and Tubby (because he loves falling into the tub). I found this template online somewhere and when I went to post to the group... I couldn't remember where I got it! So, I decided to use it as my first blessing. Hope you enjoy looking at it!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

His Holy Name Challenge Week 2

This was my first attempt at a challenge. The theme for this was Sovereign Lord. It is noted in the middle of the page. At the bottom is a group of our church members who wanted to share in sending a picture to one of our adopted children in Chile. The scripture verse is Psalm 121: 1-2.

The thing that frustrates me the most is that you really can't see the pictures clearly nor all the elements I used. I would love to know how to take a pic without getting such glares on it. Any ideas??

Thanks for checking this out!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Welcome to My Site!

I would like to start blogging some of the things I have done while scrapbooking. There are many people who have wonderful things on their sites which I have been learning from. Many of the things I have attempted thus far, I have no idea the names of the company the items came from. Normally I would by from Walmart or Big Lots... so they came from there. When I get new stuff I will be sure to keep the info so I can share it. Hope you enjoy the site. If you have any suggestions to help make things better... please share. I am always willing to learn something new.

Stay blessed!